Some people may already know about my severe dislike of hotdogs. I had a very traumatic episode with this food when I was younger (ok not that traumatic.. but food poisoning is awful at any age) and ever since I have avoided them, plus the fact that I have no idea what they are made of really scares me. Ok so now that everyone knows about my dislike of hotdogs... onto the point of the story. In class today we were discussing tofu and the various ways it can be prepared. Denise then told a story of her cousins who were alternating eating tofu dogs and strawberries. It may have just been the image in my mind, but this idea is utterly nauseating to me. Tofu resembling a hotdog in one hand, half eaten strawberries with the juice running everywhere in the other hand. Not exactly appetizing.
I will say that strawberries do make a great dessert at the end of barbeque that may have served hotdogs earlier in the meal. For me at least, these two should never be combined in the mouth. Strawberries have such a unique flavor and texture on their own that definitley would not combine well with the unique texture of tofu and the artificial hotdog flavors.
In short...


I had strawberries this weekend for the first time of the season! I was babysitting for the night on Saturday and the little girl and I at lots and lots of tasty strawberries! mmmmm
Whoa whoa WHOA. Those tofu strawberry eating weirdos were not related to me! I just knew them from teaching swimming lessons.
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